Permanent Labels (NFPA70 & NFPA72)


SKU: NClabels Category: Tag:


*Various State Electrical Board’s allow candidates to bring their own reference materials for use during examinations. JCR Productions, Inc would like to assist you with taking advantage of that fact! We have pre-printed permanent labels for you to tab your reference materials.

Our permanent labels meet Regulatory requirements for those state’s that allow tabbing of your book(s). Our tabs cover all articles in Chapters 1 – 4 of the 2020 (or 2017) NEC and all major articles and sections in the NFPA-72.

Not all states test with the NFPA72 – Fire Alarm and Signaling Code Book. This is why we have the option to buy tabs only for the NFPA70 – National Electrical Code Book. In NC, Plumbing/Heating and Electrical Sign specialities do not test with the NFPA72.

Tips from our students:

  • Make sure to pinch the tabs onto each side of the page to make them permanent
  • Don’t leave your book in your van or the wording and/or stickiness can melt
  • Start labeling from the back of the book to the front to make sure the labels line up nicely

*Check your state’s exam guidelines for tabbing your book.