I have purchased my online course. Now what do I do?

Once you have purchased your course/subscription on the JCR Online Training Center website, go back to the Home screen – www.jcrproductions.com/learn. You should see your course listed and you are ready to begin.


When you click on your course, it will open to a screen that reviews what you have purchased and any additional information (time requirements, questions to be asked, how many categories to select, etc.).

online3You will need to select categories and then commit to those categories. JCR Courses are rooted in the National Electrical Code®, the National Signaling and Fire Alarm Code®, state statutes and any other authoritative source. We suggest you have any code books available to you for your reference to use while completing the questions. We want to reinforce your ability to find the information for which you are seeking. When you are in the field, we want to strengthen your ability find the answers to situations as they present themselves within these reference materials. So, we philosophically stand behind your need to effectively use our trade’s tools (with the NEC® being #1)!

After you have answered all the questions within each of your categories, you will be able to see your calculated score and categories needing extra attention. We suggest going back through the videos available and any additional resources. Questions answered incorrectly will be marked in red and will reveal code/source references to help direct you to the correct location for the answer.

Once you have received a score of 70% or higher in each category, a green Submit button will appear. After clicking this button and confirming your submission, staff at JCR will receive an email to report your hours to the requested source(s).  You will receive an email notifying you that your hours have been submitted and a certificate has been sent to you. This process is generally done within 24 hours from submission Monday through Friday.